Brent Amsbury started ski racing in 1979 at Stevens Pass as a USSA junior and continued racing in college at Western Washinton University. In 1988 he started his own ski shop (World Cup Skier Service) in Bellevue,WA. During his tenure of 18 years as owner of World Cup Skier Service, which he sold in 2005 to begin a new venture in Park City, Utah, Brent amassed several ventures in ski racing. Brent currently tours the northern United States providing stance / alignment services, and gives lectures on the bio-mechanics of ski boots to PSIA groups from Big Sky, Montana to Buck Hill, Minnesota. He owns Park City Ski Boot in Park City, Utah and provides fitting services from entry level skiers to U.S. ski team members and coaches. During the summer months, Brent exercises his Pedorthist license by building foot orthotics for all types of sports.